kz ingame commands

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by xBones, Aug 2, 2015.

  1. xBones

    xBones Scrub Official Tester

    Mar 2, 2015
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    So had been thinking about making myself a cfg with different ingame commands on my keyboard for when i might need them on a run or just is too lasy to type xD

    gona type one in with information, do read all the information, some are just there for the heck of it, and some u might want to look at real quick :)


    bind x "sm_checkpoint" - sets your checkpoint

    bind x "sm_gocheckpoint" - goes too your set checkpoint

    bind x "sm_prev" - goes to your previous checkpoint

    bind x "sm_next" - goes to your next checkpoint

    bind x "sm_undo" - undoes your teleport

    bind x "sm_pause" - pauses and unpauses

    bind x "sm_start" -goes to the start

    bind x "sm_hide" - enables and disables hiding other players

    bind x "sm_ljblock" - opens the ljblock menu

    bind x "sm_options" - opens the options menu

    bind x "sm_rank Name" - opens up your rank (put your name in for example. "sm_rank xBones")

    bind x "sm_topclimbers" - shows the kz timer top menu

    bind x "sm_stop" - stops your timer (carefull not too hit it by mistake :D)

    bind x "sm_flashlight" - enables and disables flashlight

    bind x "sm_cpmenu" - opens cp menu


    bind x "sm_checkpoint"

    bind x "sm_gocheckpoint"

    bind x "sm_prev"

    bind x "sm_next"

    bind x "sm_undo"

    bind x "sm_pause"

    bind x "sm_start"

    bind x "sm_hide"

    bind x "sm_ljblock"

    bind x "sm_options"

    bind x "sm_rank Name"

    bind x "sm_topclimbers"

    bind x "sm_stop"

    bind x "sm_flashlight"

    bind x "sm_cpmenu"

    Well then i hope any of these commands will be of use to you. Also if i forgot anything that might be usefull put it in the comments :)

    Happy climbing! :D
    [hr] here you can see they key names for everything on your keyboard, mainly put this here for numpad ^^
  2. Crook

    Crook Head of EU#6 VIP

    Apr 25, 2015
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    Cheers for the post bones

    Glad that it's actually readable
  3. xBones

    xBones Scrub Official Tester

    Mar 2, 2015
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    wow crook xD