House of Climb #1 updates

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Steven, Jun 23, 2019.

By Steven on Jun 23, 2019 at 6:52 PM
  1. Steven

    Steven Administrator Staff Member Administrator

    Sep 4, 2012
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    Hey @everyone,

    The day has arrived! EU1, NA1, and EU VIP 1 servers will be updated today!
    What does this mean?!

    After long and hard work of community members, the servers have received their long awaited updates.
    So a special thanks to and recognition for @Xenris#0001 for giving the servers everything they needed!
    To keep the beauty of the current 102 tick feel, they have worked hard to rework the timer.
    Just a summary of the most important topics that have been tackled!!

    First, all times & jumpstats have been deleted. The database was completely ruined by bugs and cheats.
    The stats and times will be monitored, so time to shine on a clean list!

    Pro times: Finally all of you can compete with pro times
    Replay bots for normal style
    Ladder jumpstats
    Zones: Added zones to teleport to locations as start, end and LJ
    Fly and hook: every vip can set his preferred speed
    Profile: now shows TP/PRO times seperatly
    HUD: Added colors to display speed/takeoff speed/takeoff
    Styles: normal, easy bhop, w-only, sideways, deagle only and negev only
    Bonus times: selected maps will have a bonus course available

    Just a short summary of what has been done, we also have lots of minor changes like kzpro support, no more saving on bhop block abd removal of ljbind during runs.

    Server ips :

    HoC# 1 NA :

    HoC# 1 EU :

    HoC# 1 EU VIP :

    We are very happy to announce this and hope you come check it out soon!


Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Steven, Jun 23, 2019.