So.. I was wondering, eho do you guys think is the best KZ player out there? One I, myself, think could be one of the best, is Skodna, really think he does some great runs.. and is actually also a pretty decent bhopper But let me hear what, and who you think.. //Innoc3n7
128 Tick: Luq - the sickest movement ever. Linus - Best kzer ever Steven - the best fake ever(lmao) Me - the best ahk guy ever Zpamm - nygganygga iEatCrayons - Ez ban cl1p - one of best kzers, pretty sick strafing Sachburger - idk how this guy got so many wr's Shard Xd - Pretty sick FI guy i think that he would to beat all wrs Froggy - Pretty nice kangarrooooo friend, his voice is sik as hell Burhac - R.I.P [*] Ruben - out of kz 102 Tick: OneeeeSamaaa - Pretty good 102 tick player, he hasnt sick moves but whatever totulotuu - i remember that he had pretty good movement like a boss, one of best 102 tick players lord poxxa - nuts 64 Tick: Fenix - he has pretty poor movement, but actually hes the best 64 tick player Plastyc - the best polish player on 64 tick and one of best tradeblock players That's all huh, imo luq could be the best kz player, but idk his movement and runs are kinda sick to me, so Anyways, see yaa
The same person who puts himself on a top list when he's complete garbage as well as having 102 and 64tick lists as if they have any relevance at all.