
Discussion in 'Maps Discussion' started by zprince, Apr 7, 2015.

  1. zprince

    zprince New

    Jan 26, 2015
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    in case anyone is interested in checking out a new kz map -

    heres some extra pics not put on steam including initial template -,SE0Z1BX,qEGDSIV,g0AwtaX,W5Oju5G,w8RN8SF,ZYALhPY,nFZtWWF,ExUPVrr#0

    hope it turned out ok!
  2. ether

    ether Scrub Staff Member KZ Admin US

    Oct 22, 2014
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    Post is appreciated, will likely be added to the test server within a few days
  3. supa

    supa Scrub Staff Member KZ Admin US

    Dec 16, 2014
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    My 2 cents:

    - Too much wasted space. The map is huge and there's a bunch of open space with no jumps. Gotta utilize the size of the map.
    - The difficulty isn't the same throughout the map. It ranges from hard to easy.
    - Could use some more teleports so more people could pro run it. Specfically here:
    - The bhops don't feel like there was much thought put into them. They're just like bkz style bhops where they feel pretty easy and repetitive.

    That's kind of all i can think of currently. Just trying to provide some constructive criticism. The map has potential but I feel those few things are a bit weak.
  4. MMZ_Kask

    MMZ_Kask I am CS:GO KZ Staff Member Administrator

    Oct 31, 2014
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    I don't understand the anti-hop on some of the jumps, like the wall-strafing part. All it really does is make it harder for newer players to complete, in a cheesey kinda way.

    The gravity areas are a little gimmicky.

    I agree that the difficulty takes pretty wild swings.

    Overall, I do like the map.
  5. Zpamm

    Zpamm Scrub Staff Member KZ Admin US

    Jan 3, 2015
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    I liked most of the map, however i found the low/high gravity part to be a bit gimmicky. Along with the anti-bhop on the wall strafe section, also i like the outside scenery and all, but maybe next time make the textures on the blocks and what not resemble the whole theme of the map. Obviously that isn't an easy thing and takes lots of time, but i'm sure one day you will make a really good map.
  6. zprince

    zprince New

    Jan 26, 2015
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    Good feed back guys, I replied to Supa on steam page, but concerning kask & zpamm.

    "All it really does is make it harder for newer players to complete, in a cheesey kinda way."

    I didn't really think of this, but this is very true. From a mapping pov its harder to realize these kind of things. Get too focused on symmetry and theme. NoHop is one of the best kz mapping tools in my opinion. An understatement to say it helps immensely to prevent shortcuts. But there is no structures around to shortcut, so i definitely understand what you mean. This is something I'll keep in mind for future projects.

    "however i found the low/high gravity part to be a bit gimmicky"

    This is something I just honestly thought was cool at the time, not meant to be a gimmick or anything. Messing around I doubled the gravity, & could hardly jump off the ground. I thought, 'man itd be cool to fix this gravity value and scale the jump-gaps appropriately', and then made a low grav to counter the high grav.
    I've gotten a mixed review of this part with slightly more negative so, ill refrain from using this in upcoming projects or atleast not make an entire area themed.

    Im a little confused with the difficulty sways if yall could state specific jumps would help me out a lot.

    Anyways, thanks guys, appreciate taking the time to give feedback
  7. MMZ_Kask

    MMZ_Kask I am CS:GO KZ Staff Member Administrator

    Oct 31, 2014
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    Always good to try out new things, see what the community likes.

    If I get a chance, I'll hop on and point out some areas.