roll out the red carpet, king badges has arrived

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by badges, Apr 24, 2015.

  1. badges

    badges New

    Apr 24, 2015
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    I'm badges, if you've bhopped on C:SS you've probably played one of my maps. Most people know me as the guy who made bhop_badges, but those who don't play shitty maps and hold space bar all day know me as the guy who made kz_bhop_benchmark, bhop_badges2, kz_bhop_badg3s and bhop_apricity, among others.

    I am not a fan of auto, 95% of C:SS servers have become infected by autobhop and the remaining 5% are occupied by the same 15 people every day. It's a neat little community we have, a diamond in the rough, but as a whole the community is going to shit. Auto servers are constantly on the same ~20 second, poorly made maps every day; infested by kids who are willing to spend 6 hours a day trying to shave 0.01 off their time. Us legit players have our own elitist-no-cheater community page with over 700 members, but I'm certain most of them only joined because they know it's where the 'cool legit players' are. That's why I thought I'd give CS:GO a second chance. Although the lack of anti cheat and the ability to prespeed kz jumps is a bit of a turn off.

    As far as I know, 5 of my maps have been ported to CS:GO without my permission. Normally I wouldn't care about this, but 2 out of the 5 ports I've seen have been absolutely terrible. I've had a few people add me recently and say they want to port badges3 over to CS:GO. When I asked them how much mapping experience they had, they all said none. Now before someone butchers yet another one of my maps, I would love to port it over myself but I don't have the time or experience with CS:GO gameplay to port it and tweak it to perfection. If anyone is willing to port it over for me, and has expert level hammer experience, feel free to add me on steam and we will talk (I'm looking at you SinFuL). If not, hopefully I can get around to doing it myself in the coming months.

  2. ressMox

    ressMox Probably dead Staff Member BHOP Admin US

    Jan 4, 2013
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    I don't know if SinfuL is still around. Haven't seen him around these parts in a long time, you'd probably have to ask Steven if you were looking for him specifically.
  3. MMZ_Kask

    MMZ_Kask I am CS:GO KZ Staff Member Administrator

    Oct 31, 2014
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    Sinful is around, he's got a couple maps in the works. Pops in from time to time. Has a Twitch stream, but I don't remember what it's called.

    Which 2 of the 5 ports do you consider awful, and are you going to make better ports to replace the awful ones?
  4. Miku

    Miku New

    Oct 23, 2014
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    My god, BADGES <3

    Nice to see that FINALLY a good mapper is here, u'r the reason why i keep playing bhop, u'r the only one who make good maps insead of these beginner mappers who make 20-30 sec braindead maps, I LOVE YOU MARRY ME!

    You plan on making a bhop_kz map for csgo aswell? we srsly need more maps, haha..

    // Miku

    PS: I'd love to add you I got problem with a trigger in my map
  5. badges

    badges New

    Apr 24, 2015
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    As far as I know, 5 of my maps have been ported to CS:GO, I've only seen screenshots of two, kz_excavate is missing models and bhop_apricity has terrible lighting and no particle effects. I might port them myself in the future.


    Add me.
  6. eddy

    eddy Scrub Staff Member BHOP Admin EU

    Apr 9, 2015
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    It is a honor to have you here SIR badges :)

    As far as I know there is no possibility in the CSGO sdk to add custom particle effects, because they are specified in their own particles_manifest.txt in the particles folder."You cannot have custom particles pakrated in the .bsp, since the manifest file will be always overridden by the original one on run-time, and in case there is no particle/particles_manifest.txt it simply crashes". A map specific particles_manifest in the map folder is simply not read by CSGO. A workaround is to let every user add the particle effects manually to the manifest, of which currently no automated process exist.

    Another issue with the CSGO sdk is that detail sprites simply do not work properly, they are completely black or not shaded, and besides that they lag the server. There is currently no option to do any LOD in maps. Quote from about $vertexcolor and $vertexalpha for detail sprites "Both commands are currently nonfunctional in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. Using either of the commands will result in the material to turn completely black in-game. Examples are detail props and particles who extensively used these commands in older versions of the Source Engine, which now cannot use these anymore, resulting in the disappearance of these entities."$vertexalpha

    Lastly Lighting, CSGO uses a new lighting system where vrad in many cases produces lighting that is quite different to the CSS version. The exact reasons are a bit unclear to me however it is most noticeable that shadows are commonly way darker and that it is quite difficult to get the lighting exactly equal without completely redoing the lighting in a map. And at that point you are changing the map as it was intended by the original author. The only workaround i know of here is compiling the maps lighting using the source sdk instead of the csgo sdk.

    I am pretty sure that most "ports" try to replicate the intentions of the original author as best as they could. I despise people putting logo's or names of the porter on maps and think that all of the credit belongs to the original mappers. These ports are made to get those awesome maps to the CSGO audience, which in the case of bhopping compared to css is still quite dead. If any of the mappers here can help me with any of the above stated issues, I am more than willing to help porting these maps in their original glory as they deserve.

    Kind regards,
  7. badges

    badges New

    Apr 24, 2015
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    A friend of mine thinks he has found a new method, he's working on it.

    That sucks, hopefully a fix comes soon.

    I would be completely fine with my maps being ported to CS:GO if they were ported by a competent mapper. The one's I've seen so far have all been terrible. If I can get particles and detail sprites to work, I'll port badges3 over myself.

    Thanks for the info :>