What does House of Climb mean to you?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Steven, May 10, 2015.

  1. Steven

    Steven Administrator Staff Member Administrator

    Sep 4, 2012
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    Please take the time to write what House of Climb means to you. I would greatly appreciate it.

    Thank you.
  2. Zpamm

    Zpamm Scrub Staff Member KZ Admin US

    Jan 3, 2015
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    it's my home away from home, where i can longjump 280's and shit talk plekz
  3. Melany

    Melany New

    Nov 4, 2013
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    House of Climb is the only community servers I ever visit apart from deathmatch servers from time to time, and is easily what I have spent most time with in CS. I probably would've given up on csgo earlier without hoc, so really, this is a "thank you" to the staff of hoc who keeps the servers running!
  4. Miku

    Miku New

    Oct 23, 2014
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    It used to be amazing..

    I mean I love bhop, I really do! but with updates after updates there is some small issues i don't like and the community is getting.. out of hand.. don't know how to express myself without coming out harsh.. :p but i'll give it a shot, DON'T KILL ME!

    **"""According the Bhop server"""**

    1: Sliding on blocks after jumping, makes KZ parts on bhop maps unplayable (I think immortal is working on it)

    2: Checkpoint system could use fast hotkeys for parts you wanna practice because it can get rather annoying/distracting to play with a huge "box" on the left side of the screen while practicing (like !cpset and !tpcp).

    3: A lot of maps could need some rework, gladly we have some insane mappers helping us with that at the moment.

    4: with the new implemented Legit system (CSGO and CSS legit styles) all the old legit WRs should be moved under the CSS category since it's the same thing, at the moment it's under CSGOs legit WRs which made all the hard work and previous records from players pointless.

    5: A pausing system would be amazing for new players!

    Example: They are playing a long map like bhop_kz_benchmark_rg6 and the map is about to change and they are like halfway throughout the map.. ofc they don't wanna lose their hard work because of a silly map change. So it'd be cool to give them an option to pause their run with a pause command and do !resumerun (example) to continue their run the next time that map is on.

    6: A function that make us youtubers the ability to remove exactly all of the hud, including Ammo, health etc. (similar to cl_drawhud 0) not just the timer. Also feels a lot better to bhop like this, haha. Because you can't use demos in csgo.

    **"""According the community"""**

    I told some in real friends to come test bhop with me and after some days they told me their point of view on it and it was something like this..

    People are getting way to egoistic/selfish and shit talk people who are worse than them (I've done that as well and i'm sorry as fuck).
    But this is a big "Fuck No" to people who are new and want to actually learn without getting told that they are shit.

    Also on hard maps when good players say map is easy as fuck, even tho it's not easy for a new player, it's kind of a turn-off for them.

    They kinda mean.. when good players say their own runs is shit it ruins the awesome feeling of reaching a new goal / achievement for the new player because his mind will tell him like "Well I improved my run but it's still shit according to everyone else, so I guess i'm still shit :(..".

    Hard to explain because my English is rather rubbish.
    But the pros set a "bar" so high with their view on good and bad that new players don't see any reason to play because they will kinda think it's a must to be good to avoid getting bullied and will therefore feel unmotivated to play/improve at all :/

    TL;RD: Most new people do not find joy on the servers because of other players attitude.

    If we wanna grow as a community we need to work together and not against each other point out peoples achievements, not their flaws, I will improve myself from now on and hope other will as well.

    //Peace, Miku. =)
  5. Prox

    Prox New

    Apr 11, 2015
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    Miku: I feel as if this should be a separate thread since it goes so off topic from the OP... By a lot.

    OP: The HoC servers/community to me is a fun place to be. It's where I spend most of my nights/early hours since I have insomnia. Even if there was another option I doubt I'd choose it over the HoC KZ servers. I have aquired myself a lover (plekz) and a mistress (luQ) while I've been here so that's another plus. However, they must never know about each other so shhh.
  6. kriptog

    kriptog New

    Feb 25, 2015
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    I should note that I don't play any other aspects of csgo other than kz and even then I only play on the HoC2 or the VIP server. For me HoC means progress. Its something where I can improve gradually and I can do that whether I have 5 minutes to play or 5 hours. It can be my main focus or a game in the background that I play between league queues. At the end of the day maybe I have have +30 points or maybe my LJ pb is 1 unit longer (lets me honest its never going to happen) but I love that. Even if it is only that slight improvement I have comes miles from that guy trying to bhop a 240 for half an hour. When I sit down at my computer, opening csgo and joining one of the HoC servers is as common place as me opening up my web browser. Additionally even though I still suck and sometimes need guidance from the more skilled players I love being able to reach out and show someone how to ladder jump or prestrafe.
  7. colony

    colony Scrub Official Tester

    Dec 21, 2014
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    it was my place to spent my time at, and actually having fun at csgo without playin comp games and get bans cuz my pc crashed too many times..
    now im busy with my band so im not that active..
  8. Miku

    Miku New

    Oct 23, 2014
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    Sorry.. i'm sad and should die. sorry for talking at all.. sorry..
  9. Immortal

    Immortal Administrator Administrator

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Im talking to you now Miku about some of my ideas to tackle the negativity. It was inevitable that some css bhop players move over and bring that attitude with them ;) but we will take care of it and don't worry, you're feedback is honest and fair.
  10. Aux

    Aux Scrub VIP

    May 1, 2015
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    HoC is the reason I even considered moving over to CSGO bhopping, which I did recently. There's a lot of work to be done mapping wise, and I have still to release my very own map made specifically for CSGO. For now I stick to fixing maps that pisses me off while speedrunning, and attempting to assist the community that way.
    HoC is to me a great example of a seemingly rapidly growing community, in which I have yet to notice major issues yet. It's been easy to contact admins with issues, I've gotten a great, friendly reception (even before I started mapfixing), and I've already made quite a number of new friends.
    TL;DR HoC is currently my favourite CSGO community.

    EDIT: I just noticed you guys have a YouTube channel, I highly suggest getting that going again, since it's a great way of making yourself more visible.
  11. ressMox

    ressMox Probably dead Staff Member BHOP Admin US

    Jan 4, 2013
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    Having played on these servers for such a long time (even though I had some periods of inactivity) I like the consistent updates and improvements being made, and the competitive nature of the community, which helps me suck slightly less. I do think for bhop especially there are issues with maps and ports, but that's something that can definitely be overcome. I also like that the players and other admins are always willing to help out wherever they can.
  12. Helen Keller

    Helen Keller New

    Sep 28, 2014
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    House of Climb was an amazing learning experience for me. Before having been on this server, I had no experience on how to actually admin a community casual server. House of Climb allowed me to truly understand what it means to be a good and fair admin. I love the rules on this server because it allows peace to be maintained within the community. No racism, sexism, etc. Many other communities could care less about that stuff. However, many players including myself feel like it should be a standard for those rules to be enforced. HoC is an amazing community, and if I had a choice, I would love for NA bhop to make a comeback. 

  13. MMZ_Kask

    MMZ_Kask I am CS:GO KZ Staff Member Administrator

    Oct 31, 2014
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    Only reason I play CS:GO. Only mod/community here worth playing on. After my dad died in late 2013, I needed something to mindlessly spend all my time on. HoC KZ was the answer. Been here ever since, over a year and half now.

    Also, without this community, I never would've found my baby daddy Steven. 
  14. bananas

    bananas New

    Oct 14, 2014
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  15. YLAT

    YLAT New

    May 11, 2015
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    KZ to me means attempting to help others finish the map though i have no idea what im doing, As well as constantly making terrible jokes.
  16. blackbird

    blackbird New Staff Member KZ Admin US

    Jul 29, 2014
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    HoC is my home away from home, I've enjoyed all of my time here. I struggle with anxiety/depression, so this is my release; my escape from reality when I get home from work or school. This community gives me an opportunity to help people where I can, and get help from, people who are better than myself. I would generally say this community is one of the most receptive in all of CSGO, we all know there are a few people who bash new guys; there are always those people in game communities. But overall, this is a great place to call home, and I love seeing new faces that want to make a good impression.
  17. Melin

    Melin New

    Oct 21, 2014
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    I've been here awhile now, like 7-8 months now i think i can't remember. When i first joined server i was alone with immortal he told me some of his plans like third person, i got so hyped! Third person bhop ? OMG. I couldn't stop playing and the server just got better and better and when third person came it was so sick .i got amazed. Now im kinda bored of it but its still awesome lol. House of climb are the BEST servers i've played on and i really enjoy the community. HoC means a lot to me, without it i would be very very sad.

    Lots of things to be said but as english isnt my first language i'll just go with; house of climb is the best!
  18. Sachburger

    Sachburger Scrub Staff Member KZ Admin US

    Oct 26, 2014
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    HOC is a great community that I am proud to be a part of. I've also made many friends and get recognized in competitive from my part in the community from those I've led through the cursed journey.

    It's been a pleasure being a member for over a year and an admin.
  19. ether

    ether Scrub Staff Member KZ Admin US

    Oct 22, 2014
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    I've gotten kind of burnt out with CS:GO recently considering I've got 3 smurfs that I've used to carry people and are all DMG now. However, I still love HoC.
    Even though I'm not really active as of late, I love getting on (maybe drunk) and having people welcome me back in the servers, and having a great friendly relationship between players and admins. Even sometimes when I can't run maps, people appreciate me teaching them some fundamentals, and the gratitude of users and the community itself is why I love HoC
  20. hAven

    hAven Scrub Staff Member KZ Admin US

    Feb 4, 2015
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    To me, HoC is a chill place to relax where CS is redefined. Getting completely bored of competitive play so climbing is a great alternative. Met some awesome people ... and zpamm.