I have made a map, without anti-hop :dodgy: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=447037864
Awesome map. Only thing - it's possible to hit the end door at the right time so that it won't open for you. You have to back up to activate the trigger. Like if one person opens the door, and the next person hits the door at the right time, the door will close after they're past the trigger to open it. I would suggest removing the door, or increasing the trigger size, or something.
ah thanks! Yeah kask, you're right I just tested. If the player hits the trigger exactly 1 second or less before the door begins to close, I dont think they'd make it because the door stay-open time doesn't reset. I think this is somewhat unlikely to happen and will shave off may be half second or so but this is absolutely a valid issue that i'll have to address in the first update. cheers
Nice update. Love the music option at the beginning. If only there was some way to add that to Agitation... When you hit final release, we'll add it to the servers.
ah sweet! yeah I agree, tho the dev kit feels a little dated, theres literally no way to deactivate a playing soundscape unless the player passes another one. Volva update pliz : D Anyways, if theres no major issues or huge bugs in the next couple days, _c02 will be considered final. ^.^ -edit: Thanks for checking it out those who did!