Map development?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by hhexhex, Jun 4, 2015.

  1. hhexhex

    hhexhex New

    Jun 4, 2015
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    Hey guys,

    I am creating my first kz map and was wondering how i could test my map with the proper settings, so i can change some jumps to be more difficult.

    I've talked to an admin before who told me that it is possible to get a testserver from hoc, but i guess its not that simple to upload the same map over and over again with just some small changes.

    If there are some mapcreators here, how do you test your jumps?
    (i am not talking about simple noob jumps here, i am talking half-crouch-jump-around-a-long-corner jumps and stuff like that, i like to make a challenge u know)
  2. DanZay

    DanZay New Mapper

    Jun 3, 2015
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    Frequently updating your map on a dedicated server for testing is troublesome. I recommend just using a 'KZ' config or custom launch options and testing locally until you have a large amount of jumps or the whole map ready for testing.

    This is my config for testing (also make sure that your local server is launched in 128 tick and have your knife out):

    sv_cheats 1 
    mp_freezetime 0
    mp_roundtime 60
    sv_accelerate 6.5
    sv_airaccelerate 100.0
    sv_friction 5.0
    sv_gravity 800.0
    sv_maxspeed 320.0
    sv_maxvelocity 2000.0
    sv_staminalandcost 0.00
    sv_staminajumpcost 0.00
    bind <key> noclip
    You can get these commands from typing !showsettings in chat on a KZTimer server.

    All you have to do is understand that you will be more capable on a KZ server with plugins since you get pre-strafe and a few other things. Other than that just know your dimensions (max jump height, distance etc.) and even just try to judge it by looks alone (helps to go in game rather than just looking at it in Hammer).

    Btw, if you're not already, click fast in your compile options if your compiling and testing frequently.
  3. hAven

    hAven Scrub Staff Member KZ Admin US

    Feb 4, 2015
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    GL on your map!