What are your favourite kz maps? Just wanted to know out of curiosity really. Mine are as follows, these are the only two that stand out for me from memory; I'm sure there are more, just that they aren't coming to mind . - xc_powerblock_rc1 - kz_snowy_lego (I think that's the name)
xc_powerblock_rc1 - (or, as we call it, laundry_hairgel_swedish_fish_block) is always a solid choice. kz_cursedjourney - in my opinion, the best cursedjourney. kz_msp_comatose - one of, if not the, best looking KZ maps we have. kz_whatever - I love the flow of this map.
kz_reach Lots of ladders, but super chill to just prorun over and over for me. Unfortunately it has 2 jumps which requires a rng bhop.
Don't think I've played this one, think it'd be a good one for me to learn though, ladders are something I really need to improve on
Hey, much appreciated. kz_reach was my first map I made for KZ and I gotta the way people have received it has far exceeded my initial expectation. I'm strongly considering remastering and extending this map now that I'm much more familiar with both Hammer and CS:GO KZ. As far as favourite maps, Vypur has made the ones that I'll always be happy to play (kz_talltreeforest and kz_buildings).
I hope you'll keep on with the same style if you start mapping again. Small parts to do, not huge shortcuts (like both maps you mentioned) and then hopefully no bhop rng jumps. (the 250wj and the 255lj are both rng without prestrafe, except youre plekz - and I play without prestrafe mainly. )