[Map Suggestion] kz_bhop_son

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Cookie4D, Sep 11, 2015.

  1. Cookie4D

    Cookie4D New

    Aug 20, 2015
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    I've recently played this map on CSN kz server and i really enjoyed, i would love to see this map on HoC.
    It's a medium lenght (15-60 minutes, 9m-12m for wr) and medium-hard difficulty.

    I think you admin's should look foward for putting this map live, it has really clean textures, good design, it has forced jumps (in lj/wj/bhop/m-hop you're forced to make it the way its intended too), a good lj room with bhop and wj blocks and some pretty decent ladder jumps troughout the map.
  2. pLekz

    pLekz uh Staff Member Administrator

    Oct 22, 2014
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    It is indeed a great map, unfortunately it crashes servers that use player models and that's why it hasn't been added to HOC yet. The mapper didn't want to fix the issue so there's not much we can do.
    • Dumb Dumb x 1
  3. MMZ_Kask

    MMZ_Kask I am CS:GO KZ Staff Member Administrator

    Oct 31, 2014
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    You can do use a favor and add the mapper:


    And ask him to fix the models on his map so they work with servers that use !models.
  4. Aux

    Aux Scrub VIP

    May 1, 2015
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    Map requires extensive optimization to work properly with the loading of custom models. I've done ~30 minutes of work, and barely made any progress, so I'm dropping it for now. Mostly it seems like a problem with his func_details making large parts of the map load at the same time.
  5. Cookie4D

    Cookie4D New

    Aug 20, 2015
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    13:52 - KooKy: hello
    13:53 - KooKy: http://houseofclimb.com/showthread.php?tid=812
    13:57 - ecnirpz: hey ill be updating the map soon
    14:03 - KooKy: cool :D
  6. zprince

    zprince New

    Jan 26, 2015
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    Well, I updated bhop_son by removing the high poly models. A server that had the precache error on the original map also crashed using the latest version. So, after discussing with a friend that the size of this map is no larger than other well known large maps, I realized something.. Bhop_son has trigger volumes, and hell of a lot of them. Theres 52 filter entities and probably well over 200 triggers that run the map from the inside. Physically the map is large, but with everything inside the map that isnt seen in-game will add to the final load. I believe this is why so many ported bhop maps come without any triggers, because you'll get the prechache error while attempting to port. I disagree w/ general optimization being the issue since the map has very low numportals for its size(good for fps/compile).  I honestly think it's just at the brink of the engines restriction/cap. If the server(s) want to meet half way by figuring out ways to disable models on map change then thats great. If not, then thats fine as well and  I can understand. I'll learn from this and continue to improve the layout of my maps.
  7. MMZ_Kask

    MMZ_Kask I am CS:GO KZ Staff Member Administrator

    Oct 31, 2014
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    Unfortunately, another server owner and myself already looked into disabling the models plugin for the map. The issue lies with the precache table already being filled up from the previous map.

    We can disable the models plugin for your map, that's easy. What we can't do is find a way to clear out the precache table in time. We weren't able to find a solution, or create our own. Tried using built-in methods, as well as writing a separate plugin for it, but nothing was able to clear the cache before loading your map. Essentially, since it's already filled from !models being loaded on the previous map, we would need to:

    - disable the plugin
    - clear the precache table
    - load your map

    And that just doesn't seem to be possible. If you have any ideas or know of a solution, we're all ears.