
Discussion in 'Map Feedback' started by mrstaneh, Dec 14, 2015.

  1. mrstaneh

    mrstaneh New

    Dec 14, 2015
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    Hey guys, I'm pretty new at making KZ maps and here's my second release:

    It features long jumps, corner jumps, ladder jumps and surf jumps and is about 6 minutes average.
    I hope you guys like it, I would love some feedback on how to improve!

    Difficulity is about 3/10 or 4/10

  2. MMZ_Kask

    MMZ_Kask I am CS:GO KZ Staff Member Administrator

    Oct 31, 2014
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    Welcome! We'll get this on the test server soon, so players can provide feedback.
  3. colony

    colony Scrub Official Tester

    Dec 21, 2014
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    difficulity is more like 2/10 except 1 jump which is 3.5/10 in my opinion..
    this map has only basic jumps, nothing unique and the textures are boring aswell..
    for a first map its nice but u should try harder for a second map, lil special things, nothing big, maybe 1 bhio section or 1 ladder jump (i didnt see any...)
    btw there is no end timer.
    just try to improve it and try to make new things to get better
  4. mrstaneh

    mrstaneh New

    Dec 14, 2015
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    I'm actually quite sure you didn't complete the map then, there is a second room when you come up the first part (The rock part), you have to 240 jump over to the other side, jump in a hole and you get another area.

    Here's a picture:
  5. Crash

    Crash Assistant to the Regional Manager Staff Member KZ Admin US

    Oct 6, 2015
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    There were a couple of jumps that needed perfs, at least for the average person; let the record show I have a 284 and couldn't do them, having a bad lj day though. Didn't enjoy those. You can stand on ladders. Not sure if that's something you want fixed.
  6. colony

    colony Scrub Official Tester

    Dec 21, 2014
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    well... so its another thing to improve.. its not that obvious, and i have no idea where it is
  7. mrstaneh

    mrstaneh New

    Dec 14, 2015
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    Well, I wasn't aiming for these jumps to be longjumped only, I circlejumped them myself. But I guess I could cut down some lenghts.

    I don't think it's that hard to find?

    It's the only entrance you can go to when you're at the top.
  8. Krushed

    Krushed #1 VIP

    May 31, 2015
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    You have to remember that colony plays with his monitor turned off.
  9. colony

    colony Scrub Official Tester

    Dec 21, 2014
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    And i still dont get it.... How do u get to the next stage?
  10. mrstaneh

    mrstaneh New

    Dec 14, 2015
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    Okay I opened up paint for some dedicated arrow drawing, here you go:

    Maybe this clears it up!
  11. Flux

    Flux Scrub Official Tester

    Jun 1, 2015
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    Had a run through of your map and these are a few things i picked up on as i went through:
    - The start timer has a default 3 second delay, think you forgot to reduce it to 0.01
    - Right near the beginning theres a jump that requires a perf hop (might be ljable but not consistently), having lots of perfs is just going to make your map grindy and boring
    - The entrance to second section is very dark, can easily see people missing it
    - Did you pack your textures? Im getting just black for the textures in the second section
    - You can stand on the ladders/surfs
    - Another two perfs in second section, seems pointless

    More general feedback:
    - I quite enjoyed some of the jumps to be honest, this could definitely turn out to be a fun map
    - Floating blocks looks strange and don't really make sense
    - The textures are very bland and generic + your map has no theme. I'd suggest coming up for a theme (If you need new textures use tophatwaffles texture packs or look on gamebanana for more textures)
    - The layout of you map is quite boring, just two rooms in which you climb up to the top, if you look at a lot of popular maps they have several rooms with good transitions between them or a main room with many sub rooms if you like
    - I personally found it quite dark (the second section), that could have just been cos the textures were black though
    - Just noticed you put a massive skybox (like a hollow cube) to skybox your map. It's typically better to just put the skybox at the points where the player will see the sky, i dont really know the reason tbh something to do with visleafs i think
  12. colony

    colony Scrub Official Tester

    Dec 21, 2014
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    its too blendy with the walls... so its a tip for u to do something about it and not talk to me like im doin something wrong with the test... if i didnt find it, its possible that many other players wont find it aswell
  13. burhac

    burhac New VIP

    Nov 26, 2015
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    cant delete comments? smh
  14. Zpamm

    Zpamm Scrub Staff Member KZ Admin US

    Jan 3, 2015
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    You can stand on the ladders which make them way too easy. On the surf near the end of the map you can skip like 7 blocks by just running on the spine of the surf. The moving blocks kinda just are annoying even though theres only 2 of them, they just don't really add anything too the map and usually arent enjoyed. Overall the map wasn't too bad it's just in a sea of 100's of kz maps its not at the tier yet where its a unique map.
  15. Tallah

    Tallah Scrub

    Oct 4, 2014
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    add a red arrow or some sort of lighting so that the map so people dont confuse it for a drop. I must have walked off that ledge 8 times lmao! other than that its a pretty fun basic map with an interesting head banger(not that hard once you figure out whats blocking you lol).
  16. Mercurius

    Mercurius Scrub

    Aug 11, 2015
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    Completable: The map is definately completable for most players.  There are a few jumps that might stump newer players but overall i think it was alright.

    Difficulty: Easy.  With the excpetion of 2 or 3 jumps the map is pretty easy.

    Length: the average time will probably be somewhere around 6-7 min once people grind out some decent times.

    Textures: The first room looks good, although there are some very standard textures and its not particularly exciting.  The second room is very dark and the textures are lack-luster.

    Emphasis: No particular emphesis as far as i could tell.  had a bit of everything but nothing so obvious that it stood out.

    Overall Enjoyment: my first run on the map was a 2 because i was discovering the jumps and such but after 5 or 6 runs id say it was a 5/10.

    Additional comments:
    Bad Stuff:
    There are 5 possible scs that i found while testing.  they all skip 1 block each and most require a minimum of a perf.  nothing too exciting or inventive.
    I tried to spawn as a ct (cuz i like my usp skin) and i spawned under the map.  this might be a glitch but please check it out.
    Add some indicator like an arrow or a distance for the LJ connecting the first room to the drop into the second room.  I play with max brightness so i identified it after the first time i fell, but someone else might have more difficulty seeing it.
    The ladders and surfs can be stood on.  Its not a big deal but it would make the map a bit harder.
    The moving blocks have no real purpose.  IMO they should just be replaced with regular blocks.  Most players will combo them anyway so its not like itll trip anyone up.
    The end timer can be pressed without landing on the final platform.  Idk if it was intentional but im not a big fan of those kinds of endings.
    Not a ton of combo possibilities.  Just standard bhopping on blocks broken up by surfs, ladders, etc...
    No cohesive theme for the map.  Its not a requirement but it helps give the map a "complete" feeling.
    Some tougher jumps that will definitely trip up newer players.

    Good stuff:
    I enjoyed the jump with the slanted wall and the headbanger.  It has a simple lineup to get passed it so its not overly frustrating but itll force less experienced players to think how to get passed it and help them deal with similar jumps on other maps.
    I like how the first room was more jump based and how the second room had some more diversity (spikes, ladders, etc...)
    The first room had a good mix of horizontal and vertical progression both across the room and along the walls.
    I liked the incorporation of the column climb in the first room.
    Pro run doesnt seem too annoying in the current version save the last few jumps of the second room (death if falling, can probably be kurouched or recovery on lower blocks maybe).

    Overall its a decent map but the textures in the second room really kill the vibe.  The first room was overall better designed than the second but lacked in diversity what the second room offered.  With some tweaks I feel like the map could be play-worthy, but at the moment I'm not really feeling anything special about the map.

    I have screenshots of all shortcuts and some of the stuff i liked disliked if you need any clarifications on my feedback.