This might be a stupid question, but how exactly do you guys position your keyboard when doing kz? Whenever I do kz for like longer than half an hour, I get some sort of cramp in my ring finger. It causes me to fail a lot of my strafes because I can't do the left strafe properly because of it. How do I fix this? It's really annoying and I'd like to be able to KZ hours at a time without having this cramp. It's weird because I hadn't played KZ in quite some time and the first 2-3 days of playing again I had no cramp whatsoever. I could do multiple 265+ longjumps in a row. That's not the case anymore because my ring finger cramps/shakes. Any help is highly appreciated.
Maybe get a new mouse with a looser wheel? Personally I have no problems with my fingers, though I most likely have wrist cancer. I have a pretty standard setup, with the keyboard pretty straight and same with my mouse.
I forgot to mention, but it's the ring finger on the keyboard, not the mouse. I don't get that nobody else has this problem :/
It's really weird because I'm a writer, so I type thousands of words a day without any trouble lol. But when I need to do these fast taps with my ring finger to strafe, it cramps. Could it be that I'm not high enough above my desk? I do have a pretty high desk, but I don't know if that could even be a cause. Thanks for the fast replies btw.
It's probably just because making fast short movements like that with your fingers isnt normal. I don't get it in my ringfinger tho, but in my pinkie finger from crouching all the time. EDIT: Forgot to mention that i have a standard setup, all buttons are default i think.