Hello. Recently I've been experiencing issues when trying to longjump. I don't know what I am doing wrong but I read the book by udNeedAMiracle and spoke to him a bit. However, since he's not playing anymore he can't really help me out. My longjumping record is 278.4 with pre and 264 without pre. (I made these records a few weeks ago and when I was longjumping on a server with pre I constantly hit 270's and nowadays I rarely exceed 260+. If someone could add me and give me some tips or look when I am jumping it would be appreciated. Steam profile: http://steamcommunity.com/id/D24ticking/ or maybe you'll see me at the new Vip server or eu 2 & 7. Thanks.
cynical i reccomend u go read this. http://www.kz-climb.com/advancedstrafing.html i think u can find this again on the forums still, i dunno since the rewamp :3
The only thing coming to my mind what might help is to start from scratch, so do a 3-strafe-jump until u master it or cant stand it anymore, then proceed with 4 and so on. Or try to change the direction that you prestrafe from (i switched mine from right to left and i like it even more now) How many strafes do you do normally?
Read that picture and you will understand why. :| And as you can tell by the details I did have anything like an autostrafer or anything. Guess it's rip.