I've been LJING with 7 strafes. Should I change?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by BARRY, Feb 8, 2016.

  1. BARRY

    BARRY New

    Feb 8, 2016
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    Is my best LJ stats so far, not my best distance. But I was wondering that if I should improve from 7 to 8 or 9. Any opinions?
    [KZ] barry jumped 275.3269 units with a LongJump [7 Strafes | 276.101 Pre | 368 Max | Height 57.0 | 88% Sync | CJ: ✔ | -W: ✔]
    #. Sync Gained Lost MaxSpeed AirTime
    1. 90% 13.461 0.000 289.562 12%
    2. 65% 15.730 0.000 305.292 20%
    3. 93% 14.725 0.000 320.018 14%
    4. 100% 13.093 0.000 333.112 16%
    5. 88% 15.138 0.000 348.250 16%
    6. 100% 11.295 0.000 359.546 12%
    7. 82% 9.077 0.275 368.348 10%
  2. Salty Doge

    Salty Doge Scrub VIP

    Nov 4, 2015
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    Imo you should not go up to 8 or 9.
    You can jump a lot further than 275 with 7 Strafes and it just complicates things if you do more strafes.
    My PB is 279,4 and it doesnt max out at all what is possible with 7 Strafes.
    Just telling from the stats, it seems to me that your strafes are very even and maybe a bit too wide. You gain a lot of speed in the last part of the jump, but it doesnt help you that much since you wont fly for long after that.
    You might want to narrow your last strafes a bit, so you fly almost in a straight line (the max speed might be lower but the distance could be higher since you dont travel through air in strong curves) try !beam to see your airpath and tweak it accordingly.
    I found out that way that my first strafe was waaay to wide and it got me a lot further without having to learn how to do more strafes.
    Also, I could be totally wrong here, i am no expert at all, its just that i have observed similar things at my jumps (my PB has worse jumpstats than yours, 274 pre and around 360 max speed)
    Maybe try to get a good LJer to watch some of your jumps, maybe he can help you with some simple tips (I know most of them are pretty tired to explain the same thing over and over to us scrubs :flushed:)
    Anyway, good luck at your LJs!
  3. Danvari

    Danvari Scrub Official Tester

    Jan 6, 2016
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    The more speed you have the harder it is to gain more speed due to how speed gain actually works, but also because the faster you go the more distance you will lose if you decide to strafe away. That's why your final strafes should be very narrow near the end of the jump, sometimes just going straight without strafing is better. Wide strafes are used to gain a lot of speed in short time, but they divert from a straight path so they're useful only at the beginning. On the other hand, narrow strafes don't gain much speed, but they keep you going straight. You should also keep in mind that speed gain at the end of the jump is nearly useless compared to the gain at the beginning of a jump (a gain of 20 speed in the middle of the jump is worth only ~50% of its value, because it only gives you distance for the last half of the jump). This is also the reason why your jump didn't go very far; your gain was spread over many strafes instead of being focused at the beginning where it is worth the most. You would've went further if you stopped strafing near the end and just flied straight as that 20 gain on your last 2 strafes is negligible and you probably lost extra distance due to diverting from a straight path.
  4. Crook

    Crook Head of EU#6 VIP

    Apr 25, 2015
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    You wanna do 8, gets much more than 7.

    Also fix your airtime thats whats fucking you rn.

    Prac with 6 for a bit then move to 8.
  5. Crook

    Crook Head of EU#6 VIP

    Apr 25, 2015
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    As always add me, I can give you tips.

  6. BARRY

    BARRY New

    Feb 8, 2016
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    How do I find you on steam? xD
  7. Danvari

    Danvari Scrub Official Tester

    Jan 6, 2016
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    Under his avatar on the left of his post you can see his Steam account. Click on that.
  8. maay

    maay New

    Jul 31, 2020
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    [JS] nude jumped 273.2279 units with a LongJump [7 Strafes | 275.245 Pre | 353 Max | Height 56.9 | 82% Sync]
    why ? help me pls
  9. maay

    maay New

    Jul 31, 2020
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    [KZ] VNL jumped 275.5619 units with a LongJump [7 Strafes | 274.226 Pre | 361 Max | Height 57.0 | 83% Sync | JumpOff Edge 0.697 | CrouchJump: yes | -Forward: yes] [272 block] #. Sync Gained Lost MaxSpeed AirTime 1. 90% 13.885 0.000 288.111 12% 2. 81% 17.929 0.000 306.041 16% 3. 71% 18.028 0.000 324.069 20% 4. 82% 14.941 0.000 339.011 18% 5. 100% 10.257 0.000 349.268 13% 6. 75% 7.719 0.000 356.988 11% 7. 83% 4.858 0.000 361.847 10%