i wants to tell you guys that bkz map is not autobhop map, they should be separate. "bhop_" map ported from css is mainly design for autobhop.which is a lot of block Crowded together or large gap that you can not jump over with the kztimer settings. bhop map from cs1.6 is design for legit,you can only jump once in each bhop block. thats what bkz map Supposed to be.I have already talked to fl0w. when he porting kz_synergy, he was trying to make bhopblock single hop ,he tried but fail. after spending a lot of time doing research and testing, i Finally found a way to make bhopblock single jump only. and this will separate bkz map from all those "bhop_" map therefore i ported a short easy bhop map from cs1.6 cg_coldbhop_v2 with the new bhop platform as a test and starting point. i hope this will be the turning point for bkz map and separate them from all the autobhop map ported from css . and all the bkz map should be make singlehop only , just like good old days in kz cs1.6 bkz_cg_coldbhop http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=346170878 also i ported some new map fromcs1.6, It would be a nice if you add them to the mapcycle bkz_goldbhop_v2go <-have not yet been update to singlehop platform yet http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=343797501 kz_akrh_warehouse http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=342409639 kz_streetblock_go http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=340164148 kz_ea_beneath_go http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=338561631 kz_forestrace_go http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=337879628
let me know what you guys think about that ,do you guys enjoy playing map like kz_synergy ez x . bkz_goldbhop , kz_kzse_aztectemple and kz_catalyst. this type of bkz map ,and Do you agree with me that bkz map is not autobhop map these map is not for autobhop, they belong in kzserver, not autobhop server.if so i will try to port some more great bkz map from 1.6 . Please feel free to join the discussion and express your opinion.