I know what you're thinking right meow, this guy is a dank memer and im wasting my time reading this. WRONG!! This idea is 7/7 and i guarantee that this won't disapoint the VIPs. Okay whats the Idea? ... its not really a idea its more just the fact that we VIPs and some dank memers especially want a Thomas the dank eninge model. imagine al the plebs watching us in that model... *thoughts of the plebs* ''euhw ma guud i really want those models maybe i should become VIP and donate some money* SOOOooo.... long story short: - We (VIPs) want a thomas the dank engine model. - Plebs want it too and are going to donate = money = power = more dank = happy VIPs = waisted time for making the model = 5/7 ratings = swag Greatings Cookim ^w^ !!!!!!!!!!!!! Dank IMAGINE THE MODEL ON THE SERVERS Dank !!!!!!!!!!!!!