Trusted Rank Suggestion

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Dj KamiTurtle, Jul 15, 2016.


Would you like to see this idea come to life?

  1. Yes

    5 vote(s)
  2. No

    5 vote(s)
  1. Dj KamiTurtle

    Dj KamiTurtle New

    Jun 27, 2016
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    This idea will be explained in what it introduces, benefits, and downsides.
    This rank named "Trusted" would have the powers to vote mute and vote kick players that are abusing rules when admins are offline. The voting system would require the majority to agree, and level 20 above would get one extra vote when the vote mute is in play, also being under the prank of 500 would grant an extra vote, with people under prank of 100 getting two. The reason for pranks and levels getting more than others is because these peolpe would have more expeirance in the servers knowing the rules better, but to sign up for a trusted rank you must get two admins to agree to the person being classed as trusted, also a trusted player would get two votes onto the matter. All a trusted player would recieve is a name title and the power to vote kick and vote mute. A vote mute would last till the map changes, as the player would have understood what they have done is wrong, and before a vote mute, the trusted player must give a warning, and record this in a sub thread of the forums. Any forms of abuse must be recorded by a player, and if an admin is on the server, the trusted player must not act to vote mute/kick. The records of players wishing to become "trusted" shouldn't matter as long as the two admins agreeing to why they should become classed as trusted is reasonable.
    Benefits include:
    1. Less need to disturb an admin whilst they do their work, or whilst they game
    2. Less mic spammers, or abusive players.
    3. A greater community
    4. A chance for those who do not meet the needs to become an admin, but still could benefit to the server
    Some downsides are
    1. Abuse of powers
    2. Not enough voting for the player to become muted/kicked
    • Like Like x 2
  2. Krushed

    Krushed #1 VIP

    May 31, 2015
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    I don't know why people refuse to just use the ingame mute function?

    I don't think there's any reason to spend time on this, but that's just my opinion.
    • Dislike Dislike x 1
  3. Dj KamiTurtle

    Dj KamiTurtle New

    Jun 27, 2016
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    That only mutes the person for one, when a user is breaking a rule, which annoys multiple, you would want to have them muted so that new players wouldn't have to listen to the crap being played/spammed or abuse being heard/see via mic or chat, it's fair if these people get muted so the general public can not hear them. A kick would come in if they break the rules again. It saves time from every user in the server having to mute this person to hear chat or stop hearing things like ear rape songs, what's quicker, a vote or everyone holding tab, right clicking, then left clicking the user to left click again to mute.
  4. Krushed

    Krushed #1 VIP

    May 31, 2015
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    Definitely quicker to just click twice and mute him yourself, than to start a vote and wait for everyone to vote.

    Also not everything annoys everyone, so it's more fitting people mute what they dont like themselves. I'm not saying your idea is bad or anything - but I just dont see the a big enough need for anyone to put effort into making it happen it and spending the time with the 2 admins accepting etc. I wouldn't care or mind if someone did though.
  5. pLekz

    pLekz uh Staff Member Administrator

    Oct 22, 2014
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    Muting through steam doesn't always work though. There' some plugin where you can !selfmute someone and that person will only be muted for you instead of everyone. Could try that?
    • Dumb Dumb x 1
  6. Josh

    Josh InfTimer Developer Staff Member Developer

    Mar 26, 2016
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    While I think this is an interesting idea, I think a better form of it is to not have a trusted rank at all. Instead, open up the !votegag and !votemute commands to all players and allow anyone to start a vote to be muted. As long as we have a high percentage set on the vote (roughly 70%?), I think people will use it to mute music anyways. If the vote doesn't pass, the best course of action is to message an admin, I'm usually available at any time to come on, and just mute them yourselves.
  7. Arkh

    Arkh EU Owner and Bhopper Staff Member Administrator

    Feb 13, 2016
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    imho i feel like this isn't needed, sure an admin might not be on 100% of the time, but we have more than necessary (at least for the eu bhop servers). also from experience level 20 players can still be pretty bad and toxic. also level 20 doesn't take long to get. i think the best course of action would be to message an admin, many do do it, and they will nearly 100% of the time come on and see whats going on. i know I've had messages from multiple different people on the server and I've came on to sort out problems.
    if anything it would cause more trouble, as at release of this feature you can guarantee at least one person will try to abuse the system. and if the "trusted" person doesn't get the mute, they'll most likely get abuse thrown at them and be harassed.
  8. MMZ_Kask

    MMZ_Kask I am CS:GO KZ Staff Member Administrator

    Oct 31, 2014
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    I've actually considered all of these ideas before, there just hasn't been enough of a push or public outcry to require implementing any of them yet.
  9. Darth Logix

    Darth Logix New Staff Member KZ Admin US

    Dec 31, 2015
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    Personally if I had a menu pop to mute people while I was running a map... I would be really annoyed
  10. Skrewex

    Skrewex New VIP

    May 30, 2016
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    Maybe the mute system could be implemented to possibly gag a player too if they happen to be annoying in text chat for instance?
  11. Josh

    Josh InfTimer Developer Staff Member Developer

    Mar 26, 2016
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    Possibly a vote in chat, this would stop the mute menu coming up randomly, which could get spammy like Darth Logix said. Ultimately, I don't think the trusted rank is worth it, feels like we are just having lots of admin ranks which isn't needed. I find on the EU servers, either me and Arkh are available when we are needed and cover the peak times of EU.
  12. freddyboy

    freddyboy New VIP

    Jul 13, 2016
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    imo this is not an issue, atleast regarding EU kz #2, #7 and the VIP ones.
    I rarely meet any headphone exploding jerks or annoying people that I couldn't mute myself(if not an admin had already done it)

    Perhaps you guys have other experiences.
  13. Arkh

    Arkh EU Owner and Bhopper Staff Member Administrator

    Feb 13, 2016
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    freddyboy, on the eu bhop server, mainly eu #3, the easy server, we get people who try all sorts of things just to annoy other players. although they've now started to calm down alot and the amount of "headphone exploding jerks" have lowered significantly, we still get like, 1 or 2 a week,which imho is not enough to need another layer of power, in between admin and player.
  14. Dj KamiTurtle

    Dj KamiTurtle New

    Jun 27, 2016
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    Another point that could be added is: If a player gets votemuted/gagged the admins don't have to go onto a game mute, they could progress straight to a day mute or week mute ot something like that.