
Discussion in 'Map Feedback' started by darksy, Sep 28, 2016.

  1. darksy

    darksy New

    Aug 18, 2015
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    I've been working on the map for a while now, it's been basically finished for around 3 months now, but health and work issues got in the way and I never got around to releasing it. It's been tested quite a bit by Krushed and Coutx, huge shout outs to them, as well as the others mentioned at the start of the map.

    The map is supposed to be medium length, med/hard difficulty, all long jumps should be 250 units max, however not labelled. Initially I was told it had a very confusing start, I added some arrows, but didn't feel like they were needed towards the end of the map, I feel like there should be some exploration, even when KZ'ing. It has a WJ pretty late in to the map, where I'm not 100% sure if it's doable with out a perf bhop off the drop, let me know if that's the case. We tried to fix most SC's and 380 bhops during testing, but I'm sure you'll find some.

    I personally hardly find the time to KZ at the moment, but it would be a pity to waste all the hours me and some of the testers poured in to the map. So have fun testing/destroying it.

    Workshop Link:
    Steam Workshop :: kz_tribute
  2. Krushed

    Krushed #1 VIP

    May 31, 2015
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  3. MMZ_Kask

    MMZ_Kask I am CS:GO KZ Staff Member Administrator

    Oct 31, 2014
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  4. darksy

    darksy New

    Aug 18, 2015
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    Right.. so.. All things considered I probably posted this the wrong way. Firstly to Krushed and Cou, no harm done, if you guys didn’t like the concept of the map, you wouldn’t have pushed me to release it. The fact you wanted to me to at least get it publicly tested is an honour.

    Secondly, I presented the map as “finished” and that’s far from truth, it’s been tested in a very small circle of whom some might have been reserved in their criticism. I’m open to all criticism. I know I published the map as kz_tribute, when I should have published it as kz_tribute_rc2 the name you’ll see on the server, since that’s what it is, the second release candidate.

    If you have doubts, input, etc. about the map, I’m all ears. Yeah I’m a massive colors fanboy, infact it was one of the first maps in I ever completed in kz, back in… January 2015 or something, ask Krushed he’s the poor soul who endured the 8hours and 8.5k tps. I wanted to try and capture bits of colors in this map, as well as other maps I’ve since played. If you feel like you have ideas how to fix certain parts etc. please; add me on steam or post here in the forum. I don’t want to release something that took this much work without it being something exceptional.
    #4 darksy, Sep 29, 2016
    Last edited: Sep 29, 2016
  5. Crash

    Crash Assistant to the Regional Manager Staff Member KZ Admin US

    Oct 6, 2015
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    I tested everything I thought might be a problem, cut out the stuff I have come to terms with and these are the things I felt were worth mentioning:

    Imgur: The most awesome images on the Internet

    Oh, and the weirdjump, forgot about that. That is definitely a perf for at least most people.
    • Like Like x 1
  6. Crash

    Crash Assistant to the Regional Manager Staff Member KZ Admin US

    Oct 6, 2015
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    I was just thinking, that tp at the end that causes you to lose 2 rooms, it wouldn't be so bad if not for that window jump. If that jump becomes easier, changing the tp wouldn't be necessary.
  7. darksy

    darksy New

    Aug 18, 2015
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    Thanks again @Crash,

    It turns out that the room in question actually had bhop that rendered the windows pointless, so I rearranged some blocks int he room, including removing the headbangers. As far as the teleport goes, the next room actually already had a teleport_destination entity there, I had just forgotten to tie the two triggers to that.

    Furthermore I was lucky enough to see that Danzay was testing my map late last night, and him and his chat had a lot of good points. I'll post the current Change log below, but I have yet to render an actual new version. So if you have ideas keep them coming.

    Changelog kz_tribute_rc3
    - Altered wall colors in the crane room and the last big room in an attempt to add more depth perception.
    - Changed some 8*8*8 unit blocks in the crane room to 12*12*12.
    - Changed the last 8*8*8 unit block before jumping on toward the pallet held by the craneto be visible from the previous block and not completely hidden behind the pillar.
    - Changed positions of blocks on the crane to enhance flow.
    - Added a box near on the block prior to climbing on the pallet to make the route more obvious.
    - Added one arrow in to the crane room.
    - Added two planks on top of the Crane to indicate what direction the player should go. (Trying to avoid arrows)
    - Adjusted a ladder in the crane room so that its more immediately in the players view (people were getting lost).
    - Made 2 blocks in the crane room walkable to enhance flow (thanks to Crash).
    - Slightly lowerered a high jump in the second train tunnel sideroom as well as changing color for visibility.
    - Adjusted lighting in the second train tunnel as well as the sideroom.
    - Added an arrow to indicate the train surf in the second train room.
    - Added arrows at the start of the second train tunnel to indicate route better. (thanks Crash)
    - Changed the color of the train surf in an attempt to indicate it's utility (? does that even make sense).
    - Made the bottom vents runable to reduce time loss on pro runs. (thanks Crash)
    - Replaced the top trigger on the WJ with a roof to make it more intuitive (thanks random dude in the danzays stream)
    - Made the WJ shorter aswell as lowering the starting height to avoid 300+ prestrafe.
    - Readjusted block sizes in the 3rd last room in an attempt to get rid of a 380 bhop skip. (Thanks Cou)
    - Adjusted colors and lighting in the 2nd last room as it was burning off danzays retinas.
    - Removed the headbanger on the window jumps in the 2nd last room.
    - Added a TP save for the last room. Falling down in the last few jumps now resets you the beginning of the last room.
    - Fixed the random hole in the wall in the big room.
    Known "issues":
    - A skip at the train surf that saves 3 jumps, maybe around 5 seconds. However as it's memerely provides a second entry point on to the surf and makes the surf harder, I don't see a reason to remove it. (does not require any perfs)
    - A skip inbetween the 2 train tunnels that saves 3 jumps, less than 4 seconds in time. Again relies on good strafing abilities.
    Also I'm playing around with the idea to create my own ladder textures, but currently my body is refusing to deal with a fever so I'm taking my time with the update. I'm waiting on more input about the crouch jump in the vents as I was able to W + jump it with relative consistency, but that might be subject to a small change.
  8. bron yr aur

    bron yr aur Scrub Official Tester

    Aug 12, 2016
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    My biggest gripe was the wj, so if you are fixing it then I'm happy. The other slightly annoying bit (for me at least) was the surf where you go from the ladder to the surf and around the corner to the block inside the hallway. If that hallway was slightly wider at the beginning of the block it would be less annoying to thread yourself. I've only ran the map a few times, though, so maybe more practice will make the landing trivial.

    Other than that, great map, lots of fun. Can't wait to test out these fixes you've put together.

    Could we get this updated on the test server?
    • Agree Agree x 1
  9. darksy

    darksy New

    Aug 18, 2015
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    I finally managed to put together an updated version, Changelog is above. I also did some optimization changes so the file size actually decreased a bit.

    The new WJ is 250 units to be more consistent with the rest of the map, it also has a lower drop, 72 units.

    I'm not sure about if people usually keep updating the same workshop link or make a new one, I just made a new one and made the old one hidden.. RIP the 500 people subscribed to the old version. Workshop link: Steam Workshop :: kz_tribute_rc3
  10. MMZ_Kask

    MMZ_Kask I am CS:GO KZ Staff Member Administrator

    Oct 31, 2014
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    New version added to test server.
  11. Crash

    Crash Assistant to the Regional Manager Staff Member KZ Admin US

    Oct 6, 2015
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    This is really great Darksy. I have no further suggestions that I can think of.
  12. bron yr aur

    bron yr aur Scrub Official Tester

    Aug 12, 2016
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    Great changes, can't wait to see the global times that come out of this map.
  13. Sachburger

    Sachburger Scrub Staff Member KZ Admin US

    Oct 26, 2014
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    Hey, I recently became the leader of global map testing just wondering if you plan on any further changes? In the future id also recommend keeping the same workshop and just updating the map name even during beta and then when your file is the final version take out any beta prefix/suffix in the file name.
  14. darksy

    darksy New

    Aug 18, 2015
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    Yes, sorry for everyone who helped me test the map, I've not managed to push out the updated version with being ill and Valve patching csgo and breaking sourcemod twice. Thanks to CMJ, Lillien, Krushed and Cou for the runs you did last week. I'm planning to get a new version out by tomorrow evening. (Hopefully final?)
  15. Crash

    Crash Assistant to the Regional Manager Staff Member KZ Admin US

    Oct 6, 2015
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    After trying a pro run, I definitely have more concerns about some of the jumps. Most of which I was going to bring up before but thought I should sit on them a little while longer to see how I feel after playing more.
  16. sQuared

    sQuared #2 VIP

    Aug 8, 2015
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    I liked it a lot, tho I'd remove the arrows. One of the things that made me a fan of kz was the confusing parts of finding my way through the map (and the quickest way). Arrows destroys it for me, otherwise a really solid map
  17. darksy

    darksy New

    Aug 18, 2015
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    Here's rc4, I attempted to remove some more SC's that were found, as well as making the map a bit more pro run friendly. It's still possible to fail some of the easier jumps and fall back a long way... but I mean.. yeah.

    I took Sachburgers advice and went back to updating the first workshop link I made.

    Link: Steam Workshop :: kz_tribute_rc4

    @Crash I hope some of these fixes cover your issues with pro running the map, otherwise let me know.

    As always thanks a lot to the people who took the time to test things, I'm open to all criticism!


    Changelog kz_tribute_rc4
    Window Room (First White Room)
    -Lowered the first two blocks in the room to make the start more comboable and to remove an SC.
    -Removed a brown bar that was there to block a perf bhop sc but instead enabled a strafable one.. (im programmer, I fix one thing so of course I broke something else...)
    -Adjusted heights of other blocks in the room by 8 units for reasons.
    Last Room
    -Added a few more units on the blocks on the red pipes after the room to make them more manageable with strafes. The TP trigger still resets you to the beginning of the room,
    thus I've tried to make the outside easier.
    -Moved the TP trigger outside down a bit so people have more time to use their checkpoints with out being teleported automatically.
    -Changed the color of one of the blocks at the beginning of the room.
    Crane Room
    -Fixed a few blocks not being aligned with the world.
    -Made the first jump when climbing around the crane jumpable with out crouching.
    -Added brush to avoid people getting stuck in the cranes structure.
    -Widened the base of the crane to make the jump on to the first block less awkward.
    -Widened the entrance to the room so people could take the first block on the run as it's a walkable block anyways.
    -Made the first block slightly longer to make the fist jump a bit easier to go with combo theme the subsequent blocks have.
    -Added pillars to remove a perf sc in the area after the surf.
    Second Train Tunnel
    -Fixed a Trigger
    -Fixed some func_detail stuff
    -Added a bit of light here and there
    Smex LJ Room
    -Fixed Ladder Textures
    -Made walls higher
    Redrum.. uh Redroom
    -Fixed 2 perf skips.
    -Changed Color of the block you land on, the bright red made people think it was a bhop only block.
    -Altered block sizes changing the route by 1 block and removing a crouch bhop sc.
    WJ Room
    -Changed the flow of the combo pillars.
    -Removed the last block when jumping around the red pipes.
    -Some ladders got a clip brush on top of them to make standing on top of them impossible.
    -More func_detail optimisation here and there.
    -Fixed some brushes intersecting that shouldn't.
  18. MMZ_Kask

    MMZ_Kask I am CS:GO KZ Staff Member Administrator

    Oct 31, 2014
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    rc4 is on HoC public as of a few days ago.
  19. Sachburger

    Sachburger Scrub Staff Member KZ Admin US

    Oct 26, 2014
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    Hey as some may know I recently started to run the global map testing team. If you are done with updates and want this to be tested for being global please post on this forum.
  20. darksy

    darksy New

    Aug 18, 2015
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    I've pushed out the final update for the map on workshop, I had to fix the LJRoom jumps and toned down the brightness in the room by 100%. All changes were cosmetic, and the map was renamed to kz_tribute. No changes were made to the jumps on the actual run thus times wont have to be purged. I'm currently aware of a few skips, all of which strafable, and skip ~7 seconds max. Whilst one of them skips a relatively hard bit, the skip it's self is of approximately the same difficulty, thus I'm currently planning to leave it as is, I'll see what the guys over at the Global map testing team think.

    Thanks to everyone here for the tips, the support, etc.

    @Sachburger Thanks, I'll be making a thread on there shortly.