Okay I know there has not been people Adding the Shortcuts to the Forums so i decided to take some time to Add a few maps with known shortcuts. KZ_Minimountain_go ( Ported by Spherix *Congrats man* ) Shortcut #1 Crouch Jump ( Duck and Jump same-time (press duck like.5second before)) Shortcut #2 Standard Long Jump Shortcut #3 Jump from the arrow to arrow without dropping down to only go back up Shortcut #4 Bhop down the Wooden bridge and land on the Block or Jump down normally Shortcut #5 Start on the platform bhop off the block skip the one block and land on the next. Shortcut #6 Just turn around and jump to bridge without going up ramp Shortcut #7 Depends on speed of Bhop you have but a stand alone jump should suffice. Shortcut #8 The Run killer. You will need good speed off the Bhop in order to land it. The last shortcut you need to run off the block jump Bhop off the next block obtain good speed to land on the plank. Enjoy Will update if i come across anymore. More maps to come SOON!