Hey folks, Me and some other guys (sfn, krono & more) just came to the conclusion that we all hate one thing: If you pre your 360 Bhop and basically do a 380 pre jump the distance wont get displayed in the chat. It only says: Your prestafe was too high ([Prestrafe]/360). I do prefer the 380 over the mbhop (maybe just because i suck at it). Imo its easier and more comfortable in a run because you dont have to hit 2 perfs in a row. The Problem is that you cant really practice that way and have no idea if you are able to jump that far or not. You dont know if you are making any progress as well. Now that doesnt have to be a jumpstat, we would just be glad if it would be displayed in chat (pre/sync and so on) Just an example: I do the 330/335 in Colors with the pre'd 360 and some strafes, now its super hard to practice that method just because i have no idea if my strafes really work and how much my curved airpath (i do have that unfortunately) affects my distance. Some soulutions I can think of: -Do a new jumptype (probably linked to kztimer) -Just display it as a jump but not link it to a database (called 380 bhop or something) -Display it as a Bhop but dont count it (since the pre is over 360) I have no idea if the staff is able to implement that, would be sweet though. I really hope you can consider this and its not a problem completely related to kztimer