Hello, I was muted (30mins without any warning) earlier for a comment i made due to someone trolling me on a map, i decided to go play mm as kz is pretty crap without the banter as I am sure you will all realise I came back and said "has the admin stopped abusing his power yet?" and was subsequently INSTANTLY banned. I do not know who it was that banned me as the admin did not talk (text or speech). I know this kind of "administrating" does not reflect all admins, but is this instant muting and banning really how the admins want to be represented? Anyway, its been fun playing with a lot you the last few months. At least there is one less person to contribute to the lag now, happy jumping.
Interesting, that comment you made (towards me btw, hi!) was 'you should die of cancer'. I don't think anyone would disagree that telling an admin they should die of cancer is mute worthy. Perhaps it wasnt the best idea to rejoin and then say that admin was abusing especially when you pulled a very similar stunt last night.
Maybe don't intentionally troll players? I think that should be your lesson here. I take it you are referring to me saying 'play the song 100% nigga and see if they ban you' to someone as the stunt? To clarify, did you mute me (again without warning) because you think that statement is somehow racist? Or because me and the other person you muted (again without warning) were having a laugh?
Deciding to use a player model is not trolling, the !hide function exists. You said '100% Nigger' not '100% Nigga' and either way considering the conversation was about people being muted for saying that word, i'm not sure what possessed you to say it.
I agree choosing a player model is not trolling, but you werent running the map and you were jumping infront and around me to annoy me as I had already mentioned more than once, which was preventing me from seeing anything, that I would define as trolling. I could not use the hide function as I was watching how other people were doing the specific part I was struggling with. Regardless of the typo of how it's spelt it was purely a reference to the song, not said in a derogatory or offensive way about or toward anyone. Are there a set of rules and regulations by which you measure infractions and apply the appropriate penalty? Or do you do what you want? So to clarify: -You muted me because I quoted the song title - IMHO unjustified. -You muted me today for me suggesting you get cancer and die -IMHO justified, i shold control myself better when being trolled. -You banned me for....? You have to be one of the only admins who doesn't type or talk, perhaps you could work on that
It doesn't matter in what context, those words will not be tolerated on House of Climb servers. You rejoined the server that night and gave attitude which I decided to let slide. I was practicing a bunnyhop part of a kz map that gave me some problem during my first run, this is not trolling. If 1 of the models annoys you, you always have the choice to hide it, you don't get to dictate if people can use certain models just because you are in the same area. You were banned because you returned to the server after the mute expired and continued with the shitty attitude you had after you were muted the night before, so I decided by a simple totting up process that a short ban was in order since you clearly learned nothing from being muted multiple times.
As far as I was aware you could not hide certain models. Perhaps you could have mentioned that when I was getting audibly frustrated with it? Being muted twice is supposed to teach me something? Maybe if you tell me when I am doing something you feel is wrong? Speak to other regulars in the server and see if I have a shitty attitude or if it's banter? Two final points: -make the ban permanent I won't be coming back with admins like you -work on your communication skills, you aren't a good admin
You were muted twice for things you know you shouldn't say and both times acted in a very snarky way on your return. I was meaning you could just use the !hide function and go spectate someone doing that part of the map you were trying to get help with (hey, i was practicing that part of the map you could've watched me!) but instead you decided to get extremely angry and lashed out. I'm not on the server to engage in banter with people, I ignore it for the most part until I feel it's approaching a bad place. You have been on the server for long enough to know the rules. You weren't warned the first time because the conversation was literally about people being muted for saying those words, that's a pretty clear signal that you shouldn't do it. Do you really think you need to be warned not to tell someone to get cancer and die? No, of course not..that is common sense.