Hi KZ community, If you guys do not know who i am (and that might be the case). Im just a guy from Germany who is playing on HoC Eu servers. I have no Global Records and my LJ PB is a 281. All the necessary info is given. Lets start I would like to share the reason for this thread: (my) ideas for changes on the servers. There are 2 things i would like to change on the VIP servers. The first one is the timelimit of the maps. In my opinion the timelimit makes sense on the public server. Most people dont know the maps and some might not even know how to nominate one. This isnt the case on VIP servers. They know the maps, can nominate them and - and thats the most important part - they know each other and communicate. The second change i would like to see is to remove the "recently played" thing. If we want to change to a map which is played very often (either because its good or because its new...) we cant because it was "recently played". In this case we have to rtv a few times in order to play it. Or ask an admin if he can change it. That would be much better without this setting. Feel free to share your opinion! (comment or the poll i made) And last but not least: point out the grammar mistakes i did if you can find some. I would really appreciate that. GL&HF Heinzelboss
I also agree on this, even though removing "recent played" feature needs code editing of Rockthevote plugin. I can also provide the coding part of it, if it gets approved
I will make this change you have requested for RTV on all the V.I.P. servers as I see no negatives in terms of doing this on the V.I.P. servers. As far as time limits and such goes I'll let that be discussed. Edit# I have rolled this change out to all V.I.P. servers and have checked and made sure this is working as intended and it is.
Whenever I go to the vip server to farm a map, the first thing I do is extend for a couple hours - so +1 from me.
Recently played is part of MCE, it's an option in the cfg. I don't really see the need for this change as the VIP servers have unlimited extends. I don't think removing the time limit creates a better overall experience. Perhaps changing the extension time from 15 minutes to 30 would be a better route.
I think he means the timelimit before the vote begins - atleast that's the one I dislike. Having to vote every 20 minute or however much it is, is hella annoying to me
Yea I get that. The current extension is 15 minutes. The problem with removing the time limit altogether is that the server becomes stuck on a map if AFK people prevent RTV.
I dont think afk people on vip server is a big concern - and as he said in the main post, most people on VIP know each other and will be able to msg them if they're afk.
In my opinion it would create a better experience. Especially for short maps. When all players are climbing and trying to get that -1 second on their run it can be really annoying to vote in order to keep that map being extended.
I actually have to agree with Heinzelboss on this one. The VIP server is a much different experience from the regular server. People go to the VIP server so they can play the map they want, not some random one. A constant map vote is annoying. If the player or players wanted to change map, they would nominate and rtv like they always do; they always have that option. People rarely use the map voting menu. The only potential problem that was mentioned was afk players but I don't think I've ever seen anyone go afk on a VIP server unless they're speccing someone else. Has anyone ever had more than one afk player and not able to rtv on a VIP server?
I agree with removing the time limit. Just like Heinzelboss said: players on the VIP servers always communicate before changing maps and if someone is afk they can usually be messaged on Steam, since everyone basically knows everyone.
I suggested this like a year ago.... Sach told me back then that it wasnt a good idea... Well.........
I have a solution (brought up by xq): what if we change the number one in the voting systen from "no vote" to "extend"? "1" is easier to press. Even while running short maps. And if someone if doing a pro time on a short map he can press "1" for extend or nothing for "no vote". post scriptum: is it possible to have a "test-week" without a vote? Because i am pretty sure that it will work just fine without it.
Terrible idea, then people who just want the vote menu gone will press 1 out of habit. It's set to no vote for a reason.
Just don't have a timelimit. Not sure why it hasn't been changed yet, since I haven't seen anyone against it and a lot of people for it.
where's the difference then, if they want the vote menu gone anyway, they dont seem to care if it will get extended or not (non-vip or vip). this is not even an issue on non-vip. i think the limitation on how many times you can extend a map is there for a reason on non-vip. and there is still RTV. if in doubt -> extend the map. i don't see any issue with this. and this was more a tradeoff/compromise recommendation for the VIP server in case you still want to have a timelimit. the best solution would be to have no timelimit for VIP in my opinion. it's just annoying. we could have it for a week or two to see if it works out and if anyone starts complaining about it.
Not necessarily. If i'm in some insane run I will instantly press 1 regardless if I wanna extend or not. No time limit is a better solution.