Hello House of Climb forums

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by gyibe, Apr 17, 2014.

  1. gyibe

    gyibe New

    Apr 17, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Welcome to House Of Climb!

    Follow this format

    Name: Chris
    Steam Name: GY!BE
    Country: USA
    A little about your self: 27, currently working and applying to graduate schools.  UC Berkeley ALUM and longtime fan of the KZ community.
    Interesting fact about yourself: Guitar player for 17 years.  B.A. in English and working to become a professor.
    Favorite Map (Climb or other):  bhop_avantura, de_train (1.6).

    Currently play the game somewhat competitively in ESEA-IM.
  2. gyibe

    gyibe New

    Apr 17, 2014
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    Responding to myself like a huge nerd, but I wanted to add that if anyone would like to play casual competitive matchmaking, please message me on the forums to add you on STEAM!  I'm more than happy to share my knowledge of competitive CS and help the game grow.  Hopefully I can learn how to improve my kz skills ingame from you all and help you improve competitively.  Cheers!