What are your favorite 3 maps and why? What makes maps good? For myself: kz_msp_comatose: Easy map, hard to fight for top 15 times. Good textures/easy to see blocks, smooth map kz_reach: Decent skill gap/ runs smoothly / good ladder practice while not being overly frustrating kz_colors: medium difficulty jumps throughout maps / high contrast in block colors / never in the same room for too long I think there are countless things that make maps good, but for me, being able to clearly see all the blocks you are jumping toward and being able to use depth perception to judge distance is one of the most important aspects of a good kz map. When the textures are the same as the floor, the block can somewhat disappear and make the map a lot more difficult than it needs to be making it run less smoothly and taking away from the experience. Another thing is that I personally enjoy is a "medium" range of difficulty. What I mean is that LJ's for example are ~250-260, not just 3 in a row that are 270 or something like that. I think this is an important discussion map makers can argue about to create better maps. Great maps have been created and I hope to see many many more even better in the future. Best of luck to you guys you are what keeps the kz community going. TL;DR: Fav maps are comatose, reach, and colors, textures are important to making a map good as well as good range of difficulty.
Everything that is over 5mins one-shot is good! I hate small maps, they make me wanna kill people inreal... Will never understand people who play these maps 24/7, it's like being stuck in life and dont know how to progress forward.. Kinda like people who drop out of school and fail in life. Sad. // Miku, PROUD long map player.
Everything that is under 5mins one-shot is good! I hate long maps, they make me wanna kill people inreal... Will never understand people who play these maps 24/7, it's like being stuck in the same boring office job for too long and dont know how to progress forward.. Kinda like people who drop out of school and fail in life. Sad. // Supa, PROUD short map player.