Hey, i am Salty (yeah, sometimes i am, but thats actually my nickname atm ) Some of you might know me already, i play on Hoc #2 and #7 EU since a few? (i lost track) weeks and am currently ranked Skilled I am 21, male, living in southern Germany. I am currently studying Industrial Design at University and i like to waste my free time by hopping around in virtual worlds. I also like to choke at my protimes (ok, TP too :s ) and i am a strong advocator of doing ladders backwards. I had around 800 hours MM and never really got good (DMG at max) and started KZ just for fun #laundersbroughtmehere Now i got a few hundred hours KZ only and i dont really play anything else (thx i guess) Anyway, you can just talk to me ingame or hit my steamprofile See you in agitation Kappa (i actually like the map )