HoC2 Points/Ranking Criteria

Discussion in 'Climb' started by Grewia, Sep 21, 2014.

  1. Grewia

    Grewia New

    Sep 8, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Hello Admin Folks!

    On behalf of many people in the HoC2 community (funny how it "feels" different from the HoC1 community) and in the interest of understanding how one can improve their rank, I would like to request the formula of the new points and ranking system.

    If this could be made publicly available, House of Climbers would have a clear explanation as to why they have been "de-ranked" (if applicable) and how they can regain or surpass their ranks.

    I'm sure each person has their own motivations and extracts their own gratification from climbing in their own way, but as with any competitive environment with incentivization that can be measured, it would only be beneficial to the competition and it's competitors to have full transparency of the "rules, regulations, and thingies".

    Simply put:

    'Splain me why I don't get no points when I be doin' a map hella faster... Scientifically please. Or just the formula and I can try to decipher it myself and translate it into normal conversation.

    Thank you,

    P.S. Personally, I like the new system even though I don't fully understand it, but like the handful of other people that don't really like it I just want to know how it works.

    P.S.S. And other people, I'm sure, would be interested in how to exploit it.

    P.S.S.S. I believe PvP competition should carry no value/weight in ranking as it is easy to exploit, give, donate, gift, trade, etc. If possible (and if I knew how to code, I would do it myself) maybe a create a separate PvP competitive ranking system that stands apart from pro/tp running.
  2. Steven

    Steven Administrator Staff Member Administrator

    Sep 4, 2012
    Likes Received:
    Your best bet would to be ask the developer of that plugin the plugin / conversation about the plugin can be found at : https://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=223274
  3. 1NutWunDeR

    1NutWunDeR New

    Oct 1, 2014
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    How does the ranking system work?
    It depends mostly on your map and jumpstats ranks.
    Once you finished a map, you can get only points by improving your rank!
    You can also lose points when others have beaten your times. The calculation part should explain why.

    Calculation (hard coded):
    - TP Time: Map rank percentage * 100 + extra points (see below)
    (bonus points: Top 20 rankings, max. 400p for #1)
    - PRO Time (without teleports): Map rank percentage * 200 + extra points (see below)
    (bonus points: Top 20 rankings, max. 600p for #1)
    - JumpStats: rank percentage (only Top 20) * 500

    rank percentage 100% (#1) = 1.0

    Extra points (Both cvars can be modified by an admin):
    kz_ranking_extra_points_improvements: Gives players x extra points for improving their time. (default: 0)
    kz_ranking_extra_points_firsttime: Gives players x (tp time = x, pro time = 2 * x) extra points for finishing a map (tp and pro) for the first time. (default: 0)

    Skill groups (percentage and name can be modified by an admin):
    Points for skill group 2-9: percentage * (MaxPointsFromMaps +MaxPointsFromJumpstats)
    MaxPointsFromMaps = MapCount (mapcycle.txt) * 1300p [1300= prorecord (600+200) + tprecord (400+100)]
    MaxPointsFromJumpstats = 6 * 500p (500p per JumpStats type)
    "name" "NEW"
    "name" "SCRUB"
    "percentage"        "0.0005"
    "name" "TRAINEE"
    "percentage"        "0.013"
    "name" "CASUAL"
    "percentage"        "0.03"
    "name" "REGULAR"
    "percentage"        "0.05"
    "name" "SKILLED"
    "percentage"        "0.075"
    "name" "EXPERT"
    "percentage"        "0.12"
    "name" "SEMIPRO"
    "percentage"        "0.18"
    "name" "PRO"
    "percentage"        "0.28"

    yea that's true. But to be honest, i'm too lazy to rewrite a working system. I've integrated the ranking system as bonus. People seem to focus too much on their ranks..
  4. Grewia

    Grewia New

    Sep 8, 2014
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    Amazing translation of coding to converstational English! Thanks so much 1NutWunDeR, that's exactly what I was looking for.

    I agree some people do put a lot of subjective value on ranks (myself included to a degree), but when one is just outside of the dominant elite that constantly tops the map times we mere mortals must have something to be proud of. I guess being in the top 20 pro-times will have to do.

    Thanks again for your hard coding work!