-Monster_Jam isn't even a kz map it's a bhop map which should be on the bhop server, it's primarily bhop with the exception of mini-kz for people who can't bhop, doesn't mean it should be on the kz server, the maps fastest completion method is strictly bhop. -Why is this map on the kz server? -Doors don't open right away, ruining runs. Vote here http://www.strawpoll.me/12009982
Tbh removing monsterjam would be like removing a big part of kz history. I think that if were to do some map reform we gotta hit up maps like rise, or some of the other broken maps first. -rep
I do not think this is a good idea, as the map is fairly popular, and still brings joy to many players. The witty and fun nature of the map and great music effects just add to my immersion.
My issue with it is, is that there isn't a different name for the map. This means if you have the bhop version downloaded, you will be unable to play the KZ one without deleting it, or vice versa. It should atleast be renamed to kz_bhop or bkz_monsterjam.
-- The map had previously been removed after a poll in July 2015 (Poll for deleting bhop_monster_jam_b1) -- A few months back, yaboi @pLekz reuploaded it to the map database -- @Fusion You're right about the naming but i believe this is the only version of the map IMO it is a dirt map and I think it should be removed but people seems to like it as long as it doesn't crash or freeze the server. WotEvr
The BHOP version is named the same thing, however the 2 maps are different (one contains a button, one doesn't), meaning that I am unable to connect :<
Why did you make a strawpoll? the forums have a poll feature... Basically the map got re-added for fun as it was around when me and plekz first started kz and the jingles and soundbites in it are great. @Fusion brings up a good point though with the naming for bhoppers. I am currently going through all of HOCs maps to ensure they are the right version for globals and catching up HOC to the more recent global map releases that I am in charge of now, so I will keep the map name in mind.
Ah I see, although a ton of kz maps have inconsistent parts, I don't really see that as being cause for removing it.