Separate names with a comma.
No news?
Nice! Very curious to see if I can beat those times :D I'm liking the general atmosphere, but I do get a bit of 'lego' feeling with some of the...
So, release ;)?
This asks for a bit more attention to texturing ;). Try messing with scales so it doesn't look so repetetive and fit/align them to smaller objects...
I want it on the server :-[
Things I usually forget prior to launch: - build cubemaps - add 32 spawnpoints - make player spawn with only a knife - pack textures/models into...
Very keen to play this :) Nice new setting!
As a dutchman, I say move on. It's been 65+ years :X. KZ is Kreedz for me all the way; I wasn't even aware of 'the' german abbrevation ;o You...
For starters I'd drop the xc_ tag since that is used for CSS maps which feature a different type of climbmaps due to physics differences in the...
8) More maps for the win
Dude.. you are so fast!
Make a thread to requests porting maps and we'll see what we can do ;-)
There is one faster shortcut ;) People found way more than I anticipated though!
^Well that clarifies my annoyance :o
Super awesome!
You could come up with a visual theme and name your map after that, that's what a lot of people seem to do. Good to see even more active mappers...
Yay, more mappers!