Hey guys, just wanted to leave this one here, it's my first ever tutorial vid so I hope you all enjoy it. It took me about 5 hours to create a work of art such as this one. I know a lot of people have been struggling with getting WR's on this map, so I just thought what better way to give back to the community than to release an awesome WR tutorial video on cobblestone. Anyways I hope you guys enjoy! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AuAMeHtTxv4
Nice! A tips tho, try to download dxtory. That is what I use to record, the quliaty is pretty good with it and it does not dro pany frames at all Example: https://youtu.be/_oQqiFIQkHk?t=18s (watch a little bit in 720p or 1080p) Peace, miku! <3