[img=626x173]http://houseofclimb.com/images/miracle[/img] Mastery of strafing in CS:GO A guide explaining all important concepts of strafing as I understand themby UdNeedaMiracle [hr] Table Of Contents [hr] Introduction >> About UdNeedaMiracle - Credentials and accomplishments in KZ>> Reasoning for this guide>> Who is this guide made for Part 1 >> Before you even start playing >> Does your equipment and setup matter? >> Game-settings >> Types of jumps >> Crouch bind and where it came from >> Problems introduced by the crouch bind >> "pLex height trick" >> Important fundamentals of distance travelled >> Prestrafe and how it impacts jumpstats >> Airstrafing >> The components of jumpstats [size=x-large]Part 2[/size] >> Role of sync and why it is so hard to get 100% >> Airtime and what we can see from them >> Gain and loss >> Height >> Proper time to release W Part 3 >> Circle-, diagonal-, horizontal strafes - Does it matter? >> Two types of strafing >> Potential speed vs Actual speed - How gain works >> Dead airtime >> Snapping strafes vs Smooth strafes >> Strafing evenly >> The first strafe >> The last strafe >> Take-off direction when longjumping from block Part 4 >> Grouping jumptypes to train efficiently >> How much should you practise? >> Start from the bottom and build strong fundamentals >> Should you train both pre-strafe directions? >> Should you train backwards and sideways? >> How long does it take to become good? >> Conclusion