RTV big problem with some players.

Discussion in 'Climb' started by diAblo, May 18, 2017.

  1. diAblo

    diAblo New

    Apr 19, 2016
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    Hello, im playing KZ on HoC around 2 years, and still the same problem.. RTV and new or toxic players.
    This morning I was alone on one of the EU server and entered a player with status "new", he wrote rtv without asking, ruined my run (at least top 10 pro run..) and left the server.
    Fortunately there are a lot of players (especially veteran players) that ask before type rtv.

    I know many of you had this problem before, so I propose to increase the necessary number of players for RTV to change the map when there are only 2 or 3 players on the server. 2/2 - 3/3
    I think ban is not an option, because you can ban a player for this but the damage is already done.

    In two years I have seen this situation many times so I think this is a big problem for veteran players when the server is empty

    Have a good day! :D
  2. Krushed

    Krushed #1 VIP

    May 31, 2015
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    No wonder he rtvs when you decide to enter him without asking for permission first.
  3. diAblo

    diAblo New

    Apr 19, 2016
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    Sorry, what you mean?
  4. theoryyyyyy

    theoryyyyyy New VIP

    Oct 18, 2015
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    I feel like this problem is brought up weekly and everytime it comes up the same thing happens. Nothing. You can't please everyone, especially in this specific situation. The current system in place has been around for a while and it works, so I personally don't see a reason to change it.

    Next time you run the map you'll do better than top10 and it won't matter that he rtv'd.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. Krushed

    Krushed #1 VIP

    May 31, 2015
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    If the topic comes up weekly, then it means it doesn't work. And everytime it gets brought up, everyone ends up agreeing that the rtv% should be >50% + a minimum of 2 rtvs - the reason that nothing happens is a completely other matter.
    • Agree Agree x 3
  6. lameskydiver

    lameskydiver New

    Aug 23, 2016
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    Adding on here, the 'new' guy who promptly rtv'ed during your run probably doesn't know you in first place, and the consequences he has caused due to it. Since rtv command is universal in community servers, he could have wanted to try out other maps without knowing that you were running the map. Or he could have been toxic and wanted to ruin your day. Who knows.

    However for the first case, kindly asking them to extend the map would mostly do the trick. If not, then you could always explain to them why they should not have rtv'ed the map. They have the tag 'New' for reason. They probably wouldn't know how kz or the community works in first place.

    Increasing the vote needed for rtv as stated by others doesn't work anyways, and it will really ruin the initial experience by those new players. And the purpose of these community servers should be serving everyone within the community, without limiting a certain group by their skill gap. If you want to remove the problem of these new players interfering with your runs, then it is always an option to purchase VIP to gain access to VIP only servers (which I'm assuming you don't have). I'm not here to advertise VIP, but if you are able to get top10 runs then honestly this option should be taken in consideration.
  7. Josh

    Josh InfTimer Developer Staff Member Developer

    Mar 26, 2016
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    KZ and BHOP both have VIP servers with unlimited time to play
  8. diAblo

    diAblo New

    Apr 19, 2016
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    Of course he did it with bad intentions. He wrote rtv and I told him; "Im running, need 1 min, press 9 please and when I finish I will type rtv" then he replied: "Sorry bro :p", he vote other map in the revote and left the server.

    But I do not mind my personal experience, I am trying to propose a problem that is repeated for ALL players and ALL status.

    No one is talking about "skill" or status man, it is just an example, this is repeated daily and does not matter if you are Semi-pro or New. If there are 3 players playing (new, for example, for that you said about initial experience xD) in the server, and ONLY 1 type rtv, dont you think this is a "ruined first experience" if someone of this new players is trying to do the map or close to finish??

    Anyway, about VIP server, I can use the same reference; there are 3 EU server, if you dont like the map, go another one. So I dont understand your logic, I think if you dont see the problem you dont play so much KZ, you are VIP and it does not affect you or you dont ask to change the map. I NEVER seen a rtv with more than 8 players in the server, when the server have >4 players, there are 2 options.

    1. Ask to the other players to type RTV when all finish the map.
    2.Some random that type RTV without ask and 1 guy tilted. (and this happends every day)

    I cant see the logic for RTV necessary votes >50% when the server is empty. And of course, if you vote 9 and it is 50%, always win revote the map, not extend
    #8 diAblo, May 20, 2017
    Last edited: May 20, 2017
  9. lameskydiver

    lameskydiver New

    Aug 23, 2016
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    You're kind of contradicting here when you say this is a problem for all players, yet you clearly state in your initial post saying that this is a big problem with veteran players.

    Anyways, if that player initiated the vote with bad intentions, then maybe it is the player which is the problem and not the existing rtv system.

    I was only stating skills or status since you have clearly stated those in your recent experience. You are right, this situation does happen and has happened to everybody no matter their skill level. However, I can't seem to agree with you stating that this has been repeated daily based on my experience on all HOC kz servers. I've seen rtv's being initiated but I have also seen maps being extended after a player or more kindly asked for others to extend it. It is unfortunate that there weren't any other players to lean the vote to extension, but it seems like you already knew the risk of playing alone in an empty server.

    Whenever a player types rtv, it says in the chat how many players have voted for it, and how many votes are required for it to trigger. If they can read, then they will understand that more people, in your case 1 more has to vote for it to trigger. Brining my earlier statement where rtv is universal among all community servers, it is likely they understand how rtv system works too. I do not seem to understand your very final sentence however.

    What I meant by VIP servers was that YOU should be running your runs in VIP servers to avoid these kind of situations. Players in VIP are unlikely to prompt rtv with knowing that you haven't finished your run, and simply blocks non-VIP's to join the server. Of course it doesn't void for new VIP with [New] tags, but that's unlikely anyways.

    I do not clearly understand what you meant in this part, but I have seen rtv's being triggered when there were 20 players in kz_colors_v2, which is highly known for it to be un-rtv'able. For your information, I mainly play on EU1 and I come to situation where I have to ask players for either for or against rtv. It is true that in EU1 there are no 'remaining time' per map, so it may be biased for players wanting to rtv a map. However before EU1 I have played frequently on EU2 and 7 before getting my VIP, and I can say that your statement is really incorrect. I have played kz for also 2 years, and probably spent >1000 or more hours on all HOC servers, and only received VIP few months ago. Thank you for asking.

    Then again, if you wish to change a map, then you could always wait for automatic map voting process, no?

    I do strongly agree with you in this one. If players votes for a new map and and equal amount votes extending already running map, then it should prioritise on extending the map over changing the map.
  10. MMZ_Kask

    MMZ_Kask I am CS:GO KZ Staff Member Administrator

    Oct 31, 2014
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    The reason this never gets changed is because I need someone to update the RTV plugin with their suggested fixes and then I'd consider pushing it live.

    But no one ever seems to want to complete that task.
  11. donfede

    donfede New VIP

    Oct 14, 2016
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    Can you share the URL for the rtv plugin source used here?
  12. MMZ_Kask

    MMZ_Kask I am CS:GO KZ Staff Member Administrator

    Oct 31, 2014
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