Separate names with a comma.
the only problem i have with bhop_areaportal is it seems to have a few bugs that make it less enjoyable (for instance the 300 gap area is quite buggy)
bumping this topic so it will appear in the unread when users browse the forums. look at the edit in the main post. (will remove this if deemed...
Re: cant download maps where would you suggest getting them? i cant seem to find them on game banana, at least the ones running on hoc#2 (prefer...
would really love this, might also be a solution to the error downloading:missing maps problem.
Re: cant download maps the error im receiving doesnt actually let me download the maps, so they are never placed in my folders. i have all of the...
Re: cant download maps just an update: after doing some intense googling i found somewhere that maps that have a .nav cause this error, not sure...
ah thanks a ton. will keep an eye out for anything else. do you want me to post anything else i find on the site or would you prefer me to contact...
is the site still under development? i've noticed small things not working such as the forum avatars. i personally dont know much about...
Re: cant download maps thanks a ton. i've done some research and one of the possible fixes is to use internet explorer as your default browser...
Re: cant download maps I hope this issue is brought up or at least explained. By my understanding of the console output after CS fails to load...
Name: James Steam Name: ☭ payne ☯ Country: USA A little about your self: I am 18, currently going to a community college for...
hey guys, recently gotten into kz and have been really enjoying playing on the servers with the likes of eightb0 and luanders but recently i havnt...