Separate names with a comma.
!join on KZ servers is a built-in kztimer function. Couldn't care less if it works or not. No clue what plugin !join on bhop is attached to, I...
They were missing a plugin. Should be fixed on next uhhhh map change.
Sach stream only stream.
!join doesn't work where?
I initially ignored this request, but I suppose I'll ask what map you made?
Deployed new server adverts on BHOP. Will be adding more over time. Let me know if you have any suggestions on chat messages or adjustments to the...
New version added to test server.
Yo, Here's a rollup of the recent BHOP activity. Easy: bhop_anini by Denuha bhop_clove by Lemin, port by cstonic bhop_cyon by Zyper, port by...
Will do.
This. I requested noclip for Pro to be added to KZtimer like a year ago, never came about. This. In the past I have provided some Pro players w/...
Ay, Valve released an update that mostly fixed the game, so we've rolled back all databases to pre-everything-is-broken states. KZTimer global...
Hey everyone, As is normal with CSGO updates, everything is broken. Please be patient while we attempt to return things to normal. If you are...
I don't think bhop even has the serveradvert plugin on it. I think it's all just serverhop.. I'm going to be removing the serverhop spam from all...
Mapper is looking for feedback.
Aside from the serverhop being shit, does anyone have suggestions for what they would like to see or think should pop up in chat? What should be...
Hey, All KZ servers now have an alphabetical !nominate list. I've also added a !recent command to show newly added maps. I'll probably expand...
!recent has been added to all KZ servers All !nominate lists are now alphabetical.