Separate names with a comma.
I don't stand a chance, but i signed up anyway. Good luck everyone.
Would be neat if there could be a chat command !admin to summon one of you :) I don't know how much work that would cost tho and if it's even...
thanks :)
What changed on the synergy maps? Just the names?
It's probably just because making fast short movements like that with your fingers isnt normal. I don't get it in my ringfinger tho, but in my...
Name: Tovenaaier SteamID: STEAM_1:1:23867836 Server: HOC EU #2 Date/Time bug discovered: 5-12-2015 ~20:15 How significant is the bug?: minor...
1.25@800 For both kz and mm. I can still do 180's, but not anything more
Hi guys, I'm Peter "Tovenaaier" de Vries, I'm a 24 year old dutch guy studying applied math. I've been playing kz for quite a while now,...