Separate names with a comma.
Go away zpamm ur ljs arnt even good
Pls no plekelek
With the way points work I'm not sure if this is possible. However I'm sure somone more knowledge able than I will reply. You could challenge...
Haven what is that remix, also us guys on EU did it wayyy better ;)
Vote to keep, I love jamming ;_;
Don't wanna do a whole thing on this so I'll just say interesting stuff Play on 550 dpi 1.35 sens 144hz I close my eyes when I lj sometimes
First colours pro run was pretty big, not sure if done on hoc. Think launders has a vid.
If you want to jump long distances, yes.
Shouldn't be an issue, im getting 100 most times.
Tbh I would try but topping that masterpiece isn't gunna happen
Brett confirmed best sync eu, can't handle the DMG mate :D Also hi
kz_crash no kappa
Just pointing out I didn't make this bind others did I just edited it to be consise and work for bw. Also Rascalf's version is better as it adds...
Begging for content much haha ;)
Ok cya round man :)
Hi i'm Crook, some of you may know me from my loud mouth, forum posts or others from the 'event' on EU#2 last night. As many of you may know...
@Sardiax It was, don't think it was intentional however.
P.S Hide you need to getgud
Hi guys, Crook here. Talking about the longjump bind. Explaination A lot of people have asked about the longjump bind that I (and others) use....
In my opinion your overall sync number doesn't really matter, its where you sync that matters. For example an 8 strafe 50 50 50 50... will be...