Separate names with a comma.
It was probably me asking why apricity still exists....
Yup it works like a DVR if you know what that means. Basically I always have shadowplay on for kz and when i get a record I hit a button and it...
Shadowplay is how i recorded my two most recent records colony, so basically I get a live recording of my record.
[MEDIA] Reddit thread: Also do you...
plekz is k at this game
Welcome to the forums :D
May as well do both and then make me vice-head admin. Only logical decision I see coming from this vote....
i vote usp ninjas
Welcome to the group ZaneChaos :D
because it is awful
We already do this on the kz side, Badges. Thats why we recently removed maps like freezingridge and areaportal.
Cool thanks, we will take a look at it.
HOC is a great community that I am proud to be a part of. I've also made many friends and get recognized in competitive from my part in the...
There is regular LJ and Block LJ so by this video the block LJ distance would be 280 but overall he jumped a 288 LJ really great run to watch :D
I kz sometimes, sometimes I do admin stuff, but i mostly make fun of Luq. This introduction is very late since I've been on HOC since before HOC2...
Does anyone know this guy?
Glad you enjoy the servers and welcome :D