Separate names with a comma.
We some times forget the amount off work it takes to run a server. Immortal Condition did such a good job at running his servers it didnt even... sledge is very good for the building part entities definitely CS:GO sdk.
The bhop servers do have it , and its pretty darn fun . Its like a mix between surfing and bhoping . Plus it allow for some dynamic maps with...
rj_emeraldgreen: Easy map inculdes 1 secret skip ,its not that hard to find. Has a hard bonus level just to show what can be possible ....
Map has being released enjoy name bhop_watIskleur (transaltes to what is colour in english) any critequi or comments are welcome
If seen allot of good mappers hang out in this community. Both old school legendary mappers and new begining mappers. Hence the idea to make a...
Hello HOC , i made a new map and would like some input on what needs to be changed. The idea behind the map is to create a mix where both a new...
Thank you so mutch mate !. Is there a guide some where (a decent one) On how to convert maps? Or could you make one :D hint hint.
I would love to have this map
I was wondering what you guys considered your favorite bunny hop map or maps. My personal favorite is bhop_MonsterJam Why ? Its can be played...