Separate names with a comma.
That sounds kinda cool actually.
Hey all, Here are the latest maps added and changes. Please look over the notes next to certain maps. New maps added: kz_apprentice...
solider78 solider78
I'll play once in a while, NA region. Kask #1581
Kztimer 2.0 is in development. The core has been finished, the dev is just working on some of the modules like anti-cheat.
I just threw up a little bit.
Never know until you try.
First person to give me a normal bayonet gets the head admin position.
I'll accept a knife as thanks.
Obviously it's Fuck Plekz, Marry Tapzie, Kill Kask. Only correct answer.
Should be fixed now. Thanks for the heads up.
My map :(
You could say I'm getting pretty famous.
Welcome to the party :D
I voted for Plekz because my god is he attractive.
It's an issue with something 1nut implemented into KZTimer a while back. Seems to resolve itself on map change.